Our Why

INTONOVUS Canada has a prevailing “wholistic” focus on “impact” driven businesses with compelling and genuine visions, plus creative ways to inspire, influence, and activate innovation – the flourishing business models, mindsets, and worldviews vital to generating the incredible outcomes required for a world with fewer inequalities and injustices.

Entrepreneurial passion, energy, and radical business models, combined with, and enabled by, emerging technologies are in the process of not only disrupting, but also fusing, the physical, digital and biological worlds, influencing all disciplines, economies and industries, and even challenging ideas about what it means to be human. It is critical that we support entrepreneurs and innovators with the strategic intelligence to positively disrupt our linear economies. Entrepreneurs and innovators (aka human beings) have critical, and transformative, roles to play in the greater collaboration between actors, and fragmented ecosystems, that complicate our current ability to act collectively to affect socio-economic change locally and globally.

More than ever, geopolitical, economic, social, cultural, and moral dimensions are being considered to ensure that businesses, markets, and economies align around the trajectories sketched in the Sustainable Development Goals. As business models, products, and services that are more social, lean, integrated, and circular become more mainstream, the partnerships we forge, and the tools we utilize, are key to pushing towards breakthrough outcomes and ultimate system change designed to boost positive impacts for people and planet – in the present and in the future.